Day 4 of Spirit Week with the theme “My Homies & Me” where students may dress in pairs, trio, groups etc. Can students wear costumes? Yes, but...NO masks, face paint, or toy weapons.
Last day to sign up for DC 2026 trip and receive early bird discount. Find info and register here: https://worldstrides.com/custom/2026-calhoun-es-dc-220496/
Community Trunk-or-Treat will be 6 - 7:30 tomorrow. We still have room for trunks. Sign up here: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/8050B44AFAD22AAF58-51024968-trunk
PTO’s Fall Carnival. Please make sure you’ve sent in forms and payment. Find info here: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2197/ce/4957001/Carnival_2024__1_.pdf
Have you signed the ELECTRONIC WAIVER for Gellyball? Do that here: https://sportscarnival.com/clubs/ultimate-bunker-games/forms/sign_waiver?reservation=280830
Volunteers needed! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B44AFAD22AAF58-50515073-calhoun?useFullSite=true#/
PTO's Online Auction ends at 6:00 pm. Register and bid here: https://www.charityauctionstoday.com/bid/calhounminks
Day 5 of Spirit Week with the theme "Home on the Range." Students are encouraged to dress with a country or western theme.
Whew... until next time. GO MINKS!

Calhoun PreK had a wonderful field trip to Ocoee River Maze last week! Thank you, Calhoun Hall of Fame member Dianne Brady Fetzer, for hosting these mini Minks! They had a blast!

Spirit Week Day 2
Home Away from Home

Tomorrow is the deadline to turn in carnival forms and money. As a reminder, students CANNOT play Gellyball without a signed waiver. It’s free to sign it for “just in case” they decide to participate.
Access it here:

Spirit Week began today with "Home of the Brave"

On Friday, some students with great attendance were rewarded with some amazing prizes as part of our Marvelous Minks Attendance Initiative. Thank you to VEC Customers Share grant and our own Mrs. Pam!

PTO's online auction is live NOW! Ends Friday, November 1st 6:00 pm.

If your students came home saying the teachers looked "extra" this week, it's because it was Underground Spirit Week! Black Out, Animal Print, Royalty, Anything but a Cup, and All the Seasons had students guessing all week! Now it's students' turn! Spirit Week begins Monday! There's no place like HOME! Or Calhoun

Next week @ CES

Please note these guidelines

Kindergarteners boarded a bus today to learn about bus safety from Mrs. Leslie and SRO Brittany. Yes, the adults are wearing tiaras. We'll explain that one later.

November's Family Paint Night for door hangers registration is due by Friday. Register by then to receive FREE pizza dinner at event. Need another form? Email ltucker@mcminnschools.com or download it here: https://5il.co/2zjy3
Thursday: Washington DC Info Meeting for parents/guardians. 5:15 in Mrs. Trotter's room.
Thursday: First home basketball game of the season! Girls tip off at 6:00 pm. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for students.

What a beautiful fall afternoon for painting pumpkins with Calhoun's Family Engagement and Sweetie's Rollin Pumpkin Patch! Relay for Life also had a wonderful soup supper! And don't forget the bundt cakes!

ATS the Bridge returned today with Timbi and talked to Kindergarten students about addiction and making good choices. We'd like to thank ATS The Bridge for its continued support of educating our community beginning with our youngest friends in such an age-appropriate and interactive way!

Lambi came to visit grades 1-3 today and talked about making good choices. This programming is provided by ATS The Bridge.

Mrs. Keylon’s 7th grade science students did a wonderful job creating their edible plant cell projects. They also enjoyed eating them in class yesterday!

Here is the latest version of Calhoun's basketball schedule. There have been some changes and additions from previous publications.

Calhoun turned pink on Friday in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 💕

Don't you just love it when you're surrounded by creative people willing to do a little (or a lot) extra just for others to enjoy? Thank you to Ms. Katie Burke for sharing your talents with us!!

We're beginning a busy season at Calhoun School!
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