We're beginning a busy season at Calhoun School!
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We're going back to Washington DC in Summer 2026! That means current 5th - 7th graders would be eligible. Join us for an informational parent meeting on October 24 at 5:15 in Mrs. Trotter's room.
In the meantime, you can find some details here:

Calhoun 2nd graders enjoyed a visit on the Let's Read 20 Bus today. This colorful bus is a mobile library provided by Let's Read 20 Program and McMinn County Education Foundation! Remember that there is a little library located at the front entrance of our school where anyone may pick up free books to read anytime!

Bus 45 is having mechanical issues. A sub bus is on the way. Expect students to be dropped off later than normal.

Calhoun 4-Hers participated in a poster contest for October. Congratulations to these students for placing 1st! (Sorry 4th grade winners! We missed a picture with yours!)
7th & 8th Grade
Anna Ricker
6th Grade
Emma Woody and Brittaliee Raines
5th Grade
Brantley Lawson
4th Grade:
Audrey Kerrigan and Daisy Davis

This Friday!

Several Calhoun students were chosen to participate in the Trail of Tears Association’s signage dedication program and dinner at the Hiwassee Meadowlands Park yesterday. The trail has been officially mapped out for our area, and markers will be installed detailing the route in McMinn and Monroe Counties. Six students were invited to attend with three eighth graders concluding the meeting and representing their generation of Calhoun residents with a speech. In addition, Tommy Wildcat played his Native American flute, and guests enjoyed three sisters stew, cornbread, slaw, pumpkin pie, and pecan pie.

Calhoun School is hiring a cafeteria monitor. Please contact Principal Jon Franks if interested.

Pumpkin Painting with Sweetie's Rollin' Pumpkin Patch is back! Register ASAP! You may download the form with the link below or contact the school to have one sent home. Each decorated pumpkin earns your family an entry into the Family Prize Drawing! Relay for Life will also be set up with a Soup Supper for $5, and Pam's Bundt Cakes will be available to purchase! https://5il.co/2yxxf

Fall Carnival is scheduled for November 1st, but it's not possible without all our PTO volunteers! Follow this link to sign up today!

This week @ Calhoun

Calhoun 7th & 8th graders enjoyed a day at Mayfield Farm Park on Friday. What a great way to begin fall break!

Thank you, Calhoun Rural Fire Department, for presenting the annual fire safety programming to our Minks! We love seeing that some of our former students have answered the call to volunteer in our community! May the next generation follow this same path!

Go Minks!

Donations from the Calhoun Community, Calhoun School, and Mt. View Elementary were safely delivered to a small community outside Erwin, TN today. Limestone Cove Fire Dept was very appreciative of the love shared from their southern neighbors. HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for making this possible!

Calhoun fifth graders enjoyed their lesson today in our outdoor classroom!

Mrs. Watson’s kindergarten class is celebrating the fall season with an apple investigation! 🍎🍏

Calhoun 3rd Grade enjoyed a field trip to Healthy Horizons, organized by Coordinated School Health and McMinn County Health Department.

Calhoun PreK is learning about trees! Mrs. Chelsie's class took a nature walk to see the different trees and animals that live in the trees around the school!

Thank you, Mrs. Debbie and Mrs. Felicia, for ALL the things you do for Calhoun School!