Our school and community ALWAYS come through! Donations for Tennessee storm relief will be accepted through Friday.

Kindergarten playing a math game today for number recognition

Painting Nights have returned to CES, and we so glad! What a wonderful way to kickstart Fall! Thank you to Nina West with S & W Farm Crafts for leading us today!

This week @ CES

Let's do our thing, Calhoun!
We're collecting donations until fall break that will go to Erwin, TN.

After school activites at Calhoun School are canceled today. This includes open gym and cheer. Please make transportation arrangements accordingly.

Thank you to all those supporting Calhoun Cheerleaders' Car Wash Saturday! It was a huge success!

Like millions of students across the country, Calhoun third through eighth grade students had the opportunity to participate in See You at the Pole yesterday morning. We are very proud of who and what we are at Calhoun, and these students represent us well! Thank you, Pastor Toby, and all the faculty and staff for being in attendance!

What a wonderful day it was for Mrs. Cate's second graders to enjoy indoor recess activities provided by a grant with McMinn County Coordinated School Health!

Calhoun 8th Graders attended Career Day today. Thank you to all the careers represented today and McMinn County Education Foundation for organizing such a wonderful event for our county's students!

Thank you to ATS The Bridge for meeting on age appropriate topics for all Calhoun students. Pictured is ATS The Bridge Representative Jared Waldrop talking to 4th graders about addiction. The main predictor of adult opioid misuse is having ever used THC before the age of 18. It’s not difficult to go from using a nicotine vape to a THC vape.

Calhoun Basketball Try-outs
Monday, September 30th
After school - 4:45
6th - 8th Grades
Current 6th - 8th students with written parent/guardian permission are invited to try-out for the 2024-25 basketball season. This will be the only day for try-outs. Please make sure reliable transportation arrives to back gym parking lot by 4:45. No additional adults are permitted in gym. Students MUST have a completed sports physical before trying out.

Picture orders are due by September 30th. Need a retake? No worries! October 18th will be the day!

Support Calhoun Basketball with your LOUD & PROUD shirt featuring Mink by Emma Harbison! Forms are coming home soon!

It's car wash day!
Calhoun Cheerleaders' Car Wash
now - noon
Calhoun Bowater Credit Union
Donation only

Kindergarten students have been examining toys and playing with preferred classroom toys as part of their module lessons. What a great year it is at Calhoun School!

Calhoun 5th and 6th grades went on a field trip to the Chattanooga Zoo, Creative Discovery Museum Science Theater (5th), and Chattanooga Ducks (6th) today! It was a beautiful day for lots of educational fun!

Calhoun fifth graders recently sampled tamales after reading about them in their book Esperanza Rising!

Moon Pies are here! Please make plans to pick up your orders TOMORROW, September 19th 8:30 - 2:30 from Door #11.