Moon Pies are on the way! Please make plans to pick up your orders this Thursday, September 19th 8:30 - 2:30 from Door #11.

Painting Nights are returning to CES! Join us for the first one on Sept 30! Reserve your spot by this Tuesday! Need a form sent home? Email ltucker@mcminnschools.com

Calhoun School conducted a school-wide lock down drill this morning. There was no imminent threat at Calhoun School. We are required to conduct multiple drills throughout the year. We are simply conducting our required drills to prep our students and staff in the event of an emergency.

CES hosts "Lunch with Loved Ones" on Thursday and Friday. Please note the following:
* Enter through front office
* No outside food permitted
* Adult lunch cost is $6. Please have correct change or check to expediate process.
* Adults may only be in cafeteria, gym, office, and library.
* Adults may shop in Book Fair with student.

Calhoun School received a $1500 grant from the McMinn County Education Foundation. This grant was written by School Counselor Shelly Tullier to provide a grief camp for McMinn County students in February. Pictured are Jon Franks, principal, and Mickey Blevins, MCEF representative.

Calhoun fifth graders had the opportunity to sample flan today after reading about it in their current novel. Huge thank you to a parent for making this!

It's Book Fair Week! Visit this site to make eWallet accounts or place online orders!

Busy Week at CES!

What a great Grandparents Day we had! We'd love to share those grandbabies' smiles! Message us pictures, please!
Miss out on today? Lunch with Loved Ones is next week!

Moon Pies are on the way! Please make plans to pick up your orders September 19th 8:30 - 2:30 from Door #11.

Congratulations to our Calhoun Cafe for receiving 100 on their health inspection!

Basketball Open Gym Continues
Class t-shirt order deadline
Grandparents Day Lunch
Book Fair Open for grandparents

It's time to submit baby pictures of 8th graders!

Thank you to everyone attending and supporting our Family Night on Thursday!
Title I
Family Engagement
Let's Read 20 Bus
3rd Grade Meeting
Food Vendors
Congratulations to the August Kindness Challenge Winners, Nova Breeden and Eden Mizell! Lots of attendees walked away with prizes from Calhoun Bingo! We look forward to the next one!

8th grade students had an “egg”cellent time testing their egg drop projects. Congrats to the Humpty Dumpty Award winners Madox and Emmanuel, the Eggalicious Award winners Rachael and Charles, and the Eggonomical Award winners Blake and Adrian.

Support Calhoun Cheerleaders by getting your car washed! Saturday, September 21 at Bowater Credit Union 9 am - noon.

Class t-shirt orders are due by September 5th. Find form here or call the school office to have an additional one sent home. https://5il.co/2v2oo

Congratulations to our top Moon Pie sellers!
1. Archer Gunter
2. Jaxton Fowler
3. Emma Marie Miller
Mrs. Chelsie's PreK was the homeroom with the most total sales! Way to go, Minks!

Good News Club begins September 11 for REGISTERED students in grades K - 5. Your September newsletter will say it begins on 4th. This has been changed to the start date of September 11th. Need to know more or register? Here's where: https://cefchattanooga.breezechms.com/form/df533f198722988726

Basketball parent meeting