September newsletter is now available to view here: https://5il.co/2uge4
This is the last week to register for FCA for 6th - 8th graders. Form is on page 15 of newsletter, or students may request a form from homeroom teachers.

Let's try this again!
TUESDAY is Picture Day at CES!
Thursday will be Family Night beginning with our annual Title I Meeting at 5:00. Please see the schedule of events and join us! Food trucks and Let's Read 20 Bus will be in the front circle!

Acts of Kindness entries are due to our Family Engagement Coordinator, Mrs. Leslie Tucker, by August 29th. A drawing will take place for a family prize! You can download the form here: https://5il.co/2tm1l
Need one sent home? Email ltucker@mcminnschools.com

US Space and Rocket Center

Our Minks have gone to Space... the US Space and Rocket Center! Our Minks have been terrific, and we hope they had a wonderful time!

Mrs. Watson’s class is loving Mini Melt Friday!!

Mini Melts available to purchase Friday during recess. $4 per serving.

Calhoun 6th graders enjoyed a sampling from Percy Jackson's menu. If you don't know what iced apple juice and blue chocolate chip cookies have to do with ELA, you might want to read The Lightning Thief!

Mrs. Weatherspoon's fifth grade Science classes recently conducted their first experiment which reinforces The Scientific Method: The Penny Drop Experiment.

It's perfect timing that Monday will be a super moon blue moon! It's Moon Pie order day at Calhoun School! Don't miss the opportunity to buy your BLUEberry MOON pies! They may be mini, but they're packed with SUPER flavor! https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/skywatching/the-next-full-moon-is-a-supermoon-blue-moon/

Calhoun's Relay for Life Team would like to thank Athens Movie Palace for the fundraiser opportunity this week! AMP is truly locally owned and operated, and they love and love on this community! Over $400 was raised for Relay through a super simple fundraiser at Athens Movie Palace! Check them out for all your movie needs. We think they and their popcorn are the BEST! 🍿🎬💜

Check out this opportunity!

Cheer tryouts are tomorrow after school until 4:30. Dismiss at back gym doors. Wear any Calhoun shirt and school appropriate shorts. Team list will be posted on Mrs. Burnsed's door Friday morning.

Welcome back to Calhoun, Mrs. Tiffany Elliott!

Contact CES or participating CES students to order your Moon Pies!

You’re invited to participate in Calhoun Family Engagement’s Acts of Kindness Challenge! When you complete one of the acts of kindness, color in the box or cover it with a sticker. The middle spot with lines is for you to write in an act of kindness of your choice. If you fill in the entire board by August 29th, turn it in to Mrs. Leslie Tucker and your family’s name will be placed in a drawing for a family prize! If you need a copy sent home, please email ltucker@mcminnschools.com or download here: https://5il.co/2tm1l

Good News Club will begin Wednesdays in September for registered students. Students in grades K - 5 may stay after school until 4:30. Please see the clubs section of calhounminks.com to learn about GNC! You may read info and register here: https://cefchattanooga.breezechms.com/form/df533f198722988726

Students may earn their ticket to the Air Elite Dunk Team Show at Calhoun Show by selling Moon Pies! $200 in sales earns the student VIP status on the court!

Support our Calhoun students playing on the McMinn Middle Softball Team!

Basketball Open Gym will begin August 19. It will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays until 4:45 for students with signed permission only. Prompt transportation must arrive to back gym door by 4:45. No adults may enter gym, and Saturday open gyms are no longer being held. Students may get permission forms from front office or download here: