The invitation for Huntsville Space Trip is now being extended to 3rd, 7th, & 8th graders with accompanying adult. If you’d like a form sent home, please email cgarrison@mcminnschools.com or call the front office. You may view the form with complete details here:

Reach for the Moon... Pie! Sales begin today!

Cheer Try-outs for 6th - 8th graders will be next week.

Book Fair is coming! That means we need volunteers! Please use the link below to sign up digitally or return the form being sent home with students.

Welcome home, Tala!

Calhoun Relay for Life invites you to Athens Movie Palace August 13 at 6 pm for Harold and the Purple Crayon. Tickets are $8 with proceeds going to Relay for Life. Please purchase tickets from CES. Forms have been sent home, or you may view it here: https://5il.co/2t6z5

Grades 4-6 plus Beta Members are invited to attend an "Ultimate Field Trip" to the US Space and Rocket Center on Saturday, August 24. Below is the link to the form with complete details. Please email cgarrison@mcminnschools.com if you need the form sent home or have questions. We still have seats open. Register soon!

Cross country practice for middle school will begin Tuesday at 4:00. Meet at the Regional Park lower pavilion (by the pond). 6-8 boys and girls.
If students are interested, they need to make contact with pamnile@mcminnschools.com

Day 2 of school tomorrow for most of our Minks. PreK and Kindergarten students please refer to your staggered start schedule. For morning drop off, please form 2 lines from Sherwood Ave to the back gate and merge every other car. It’s going to be a great first week at the best school EVER!

Join us in welcoming back SRO Brittany!

What a great Open House and First Day at the Best.School.EVER!

Calhoun School 2024 Open House
Thursday, August 1
5:00 - 6:30
Please reserve front circle parking and cafeteria entrance (door 13) for voters. Find your classroom, meet your teacher, stop by any of the info stations that apply to your family, and grab dinner from food vendors! Here's what information will be available and where you can find them!

Info for Kindergarten families

2024-2025 Homeroom Teachers

Now presenting...
2024 Class T-shirt Colors!
Order forms will go home with students when school begins. Examples will be on display at Open House August 1st!

This weekend is Tennessee's Sales Tax Holiday. Read more about it here:

Join the Mink Family!
If this date and time doesn't work for you, please contact our school office at 423-336-2974 or Principal Jon Franks jfranks@mcminnschools.com to arrange a better time.

McMinn Middle West Baseball try-outs

Ice cream is always a good idea… so is joining Calhoun School! Stop in for an ice cream with Mr. Franks, tour our school, and get all your questions answered so that you can register your child at Calhoun!