Calhoun Basketball is pairing with BW SignMasters with this Mink Pride tshirt for $20. Place your order through BW SignMasters by contacting Ashley Hawk on Facebook or by calling or texting 4233109520.
A portion of sales will be donated back to our basketball programs to help purchase new uniforms! Choose to pick up @ BW SignMasters, @ CES beginning August 1, or sent home with your student when school begins!

Yearbooks still available!

Welcome to Calhoun, Mrs. Stanley!

We'll return on July 8. Have a happy and safe 4th of July!

It's YMCA Meal Day! Beginning TODAY, you may pick up meals through distribution sites at Calhoun School 2-2:30 OR Spring Creek UMC (115 Co Rd 36 Riceville) 2:45-3:15 for anyone 18 & under every Wednesday the rest of summer. No other requirements other than show up with a smile! Pull up & let staff know how many you need. It's that easy!

Calhoun 6th - 8th graders have the opportunity to travel to Boston in 2025! Friday, June 28th is the deadline to register with our spring discount. You can call 800.468.5899 and register for the Advantage Payment Plan, which offers low monthly payments. Just use our Trip ID: 217368. Or contact mtrotter@mcminnschools.com with questions. https://worldstrides.com/custom/2025-calhoun-es-bos-217368/

Today we wrapped up the last day of Camp Calhoun! Thank you to all making this day possible!

10-80 Roasters will be at CES tomorrow beginning at 7:45. The last day of Camp Calhoun is Monday. We’ll celebrate students’ hard work with a water day! Please send camper in clothes appropriate for water slide plus have a towel and dry change of clothes. Sunscreen and water bottle are also recommended! Cardboard boats need to be picked up Monday as well.

TMSAA dead period is June 24-July 6. There will be no basketball open gym during this time.

Save the date!

As Officer Hyde said today, "without change, there would be no butterflies." We were able to enjoy the big change on our campus today with the outdoor pavilion full of Camp Calhoun families after a wonderful performance by all groups! It was hot but worth it! We're excited for future school events to be held here! We were also able to literally watch butterflies change over the last few weeks and released them all today!

Our last Thursday of camp was a great one! Tennessee Aquarium's outreach program came for a visit and lesson today about animal classification! We also had June Dairy Month Chairman Grace DeBusk and two of her dairy heifers. Students learned about the difference between beef and dairy cattle and how their "earrings" have a purpose other than style!

Our last Thursday of camp was a great one! Tennessee Aquarium's outreach program came for a visit and lesson today about animal classification! We also had June Dairy Month Chairman Grace DeBusk and two of her dairy heifers. Students learned about the difference between beef and dairy cattle and how their "earrings" have a purpose other than style!

Tomorrow will be Camp Calhoun’s Parent Picnic and Showcase. Showcase begins at 10:30. Lunch will follow under the new pavilion! Price is $5 for adults. Mini Melts will be available to purchase for $4 each after lunch. If you plan to attend, please hold money and give to your child after lunch. Don’t forget to dress kids in Camp T-shirts. If your camper is in Mrs. Garrison’s group, please ask them if arrangements need to be made for picking up cardboard boats

Another great day for Camp Calhoun!

Friday will be Camp Calhoun's Parent Picnic. Adults are invited to join us beginning at 10:30 for our showcase. Hot dog lunch will follow under the new pavilion. Adult lunch is $5. Please RSVP to help us prepare. Mini Melts will be open to the public beginning at noon. $4 each.

Coach Corey Garrett will have open gym for upcoming 4th - 8th grade Calhoun students every Saturday until further notice from 8 - 9 am.

Week 3 started with a bang! Lots of ecology study. THANK YOU to Sara Smith with UT Extension McMinn County for the wonderful animal adaptations lesson! Our older crew has started on cardboard boats with the help of Officer Hyde!

Huge THANK YOU to City of Calhoun for sponsoring this year's shirts that we tie dyed together! Calhoun's River Town has their "Keep it Cool" event today at 5 pm. Don't miss it!