Friday is almost here! Hershey's kisses will be sold 10 for $1 with proceeds going to Relay for Life. Fully Involved Bistro Food Truck will be at school for lunch for adult customers 11 - 1.

Calhoun Faculty & Staff would like to thank board members Taylor Cook and Dustin Prichard for joining us today to have an open discussion about the future of our school and school system.

Congratulations to this year's MCEF Youth Leadership Award Winners:
Madeline Schenck, Kently Flory, Nathaniel Fee-Stewart, Rachael Tickel, Austin Evans

Girls Basketball Open Gym is CANCELLED for March 15 and 22 for Spring Break.

•FCA meets TODAY after school until 4:30. Service project: items for Full Circle. Pick up from front circle.
•Orders taking place for yearbooks and Relay for Life T-shirts. •Hershey kiss sales will take place again Friday. $1 for 10.
•Food Truck in front circle Friday for adult customers.
•Next week is Spring Break

Calhoun's Relay for Life Team annual shirts are available to order now. Forms were in your March newsletters and will be sent home again this week. You may also find it here:

Don't miss your chance to order your 2024-2025 yearbook! Order forms have been sent home and are in your March newsletters. Need a copy? Find it here: https://5il.co/38ifg

Read Across America Dress Up Days are always so much fun! This wraps up another successful year of celebrating reading!

It has been a great day at Calhoun School! Thank you to all of our Guest Readers for taking time out of your day to share the joy of reading with our Minks! You are appreciated!

Tomorrow wraps up our Read Across America Week. It’s Fun Sock Friday! Guest Readers will join us beginning at 1:00. We still need readers. Email cmonroe@mcminnschools.com to help. Tomorrow will also be the first day of Hershey Kiss Sales in memory of Melissa Hershey. $1 per bag to Relay for Life.

Calhoun Cafeteria is full of Mrs. Deborahs today, and they are serving a WAFFLEY good lunch!

8th Graders planning to attend McMinn, here's your chance to get involved!

This morning our fire alarm went off due to an issue with an HVAC unit in the cafeteria. All students were evacuated quickly and were never in danger. Calhoun and Bradley Fire Departments responded and cleared all students to safely return to class.

Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday at CES! Special thank you today to McMinn Central FFA for providing and Kerrigan Family for promoting Farm to School sausage biscuits!
McMinn Middle School Athletics Program now has a Facebook page! Follow it here: https://www.facebook.com/share/18tTuhxB3x/?mibextid=wwXIfr

McMinn Middle Football

Pajama Day in kindergarten!

This Week @ CES

It was a day of hands-on-learning in First Grade! We measured classroom objects with centimeter cubes and sticks which helped us practice not only measuring, but also counting by tens and ones.
We then pretended like we were birds learning how beaks have different jobs.

Calhoun hosted Goodies with Grown Ups on Monday in conjunction with the first day of shopping at Book Fair! Thank you, all, for supporting all things Calhoun!