Tomorrow is picture day. Please remember to avoid wearing green

Congratulations to the 2025 inductees of Calhoun's Junior Beta Club!
Front L to R: Joshua Melton, Kain Bosdell, Destiny Beshears, Jillian DeGraw, Nayomi Million, Savannah Calhoun, Brittaliee Raines, Emma Woody, Kently Flory, Wesley Ingram
Back: Braxton Taylor, Aiden Rice, Jaxon Garringer, Ayden Hudson, Jeremiah Burger, Kemaurii Young, Patrick Moore, Austin Evans, Wayne Weatherspoon

Thank you to MCHS and TCAT for allowing our 8th graders to tour through your classrooms and facilities today. This was a great opportunity to see what high school classes are offered and what postsecondary options are available right here in McMinn County.

•Beta induction tonight 6 pm in gym. Back gym doors will open at 5:50.
•Town Hall Meeting tonight @ MCHS cafeteria 5 pm
•4-H demo and interactive display contest moved to Friday

8th graders at Calhoun participated in job shadowing day on Friday, February 21. Thank you to all of our local businesses for giving these students an opportunity to see what the “working world” is like.

Calhoun open gym will be held on Saturdays from 8:30 - 10:00 AM beginning March 1 for girls currently in grades 4-7.

This is the final call for Spring STREAM Trip to Atlanta. Need more enrolled BY FRIDAY for trip to take place. Those "on the list" should receive blue paper with updates today. Please visit the link below for the forms or contact Mrs. Garrison for any questions.

Students in grades 6 - 8 interested in trying out for middle school golf need to see Mr. Franks or have a parent/guardian email him by noon Tuesday. jfranks@mcminnschools.com

This week at Calhoun School
Week of February 24

4-H demonstration (grades 4-5) and interactive exhibit (grades 6-8) contests are Wednesday. Please see flyers for contest details. Monthly service project is donating coloring books and crayons for kids in need. These will also be collected Wednesday.

It's Book Fair Week!
Set up E-Wallet with the link below. Cash, cards, and checks to CES also accepted! Don't miss our shopping event Monday during Goodies with Grown-ups 3:30 - 6:00.
Wanting to volunteer for Book Fair? Find the sign up below or email cmonroe@mcminnschools.com. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B44ADAD2BA5FC1-47023236-book

Good afternoon! McMinn County Schools will be open and on a regular schedule for Friday, Feb. 21. Please dress students as warmly as possible, especially those waiting for and riding buses. 8th Grade Job Shadowing will continue as scheduled.

Friday, February 21

Plans are still a-go for Relay's Dance on Saturday. 6 - 8 pm. $5/person at the door. Kids under 2 are free. Open to the public.
Monday afternoon you're invited to join your favorite Minks for Goodies with Grown-ups. Drop in between 3:30 - 6:00 then head to the Book Fair for the first day of shopping! To help us prepare, please RSVP by returning the form sent home when we return or by clicking here https://forms.office.com/r/2rTG9jHwz9

Please take a few minutes to complete our Family Engagement Survey! Your feedback helps us improve our support for families. Click here to take the survey: https://bit.ly/4jWFoWN - Thanks for your time!

Guest readers are needed for Read Across America at Calhoun School on March 7th beginning at 1:00. Please find the sign up below or contact Librarian Mrs. Monroe cmonroe@mcminnschools.com.

We look forward to returning on Tuesday!

Good luck to Calhoun's participants!

Mrs. Sharon's art students have been hard at work creating clay masterpieces! Check out the talent!

Next Week @ CES