Calhoun celebrated awesome attendance with Hat Day and PJ Day!

1 party in a pan = 20 items for your homeroom!
Let's do this, Minks!

Next week @ CES

You're invited!

Food drive totals for November 6th. Mrs. Stanley's 7th grade homeroom is in first place!

Students participating in our Moon Pie Fundraiser enjoyed a Dunk Show from Air Elite this morning in Calhoun’s gym. Thank you to everyone helping make this year’s fundraiser a success!

8th grade Families,
Here is your reminder about sending in 8th grade baby pictures.

Please see the information about middle school volleyball tryouts

Good News Club will NOT meet today. Please make transportation arrangements for your student.

We are very proud of Madeline Schenck and Laine Brockway. These eighth graders represented Calhoun as Youth Leaders this week on the campus of Tennessee Wesleyan University.

This Week @ CES

Thanks to a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission, Bright Star Touring Theatre, a national professional touring theatre company based in Ashville, NC, visited Calhoun Elementary on Friday, November 1, presenting two performances.
Their performance of Peter Pan, about a boy who just wouldn’t grow up, was for students in grades Kindergarten – 4th. Peter Pan is one of the texts that support Tennessee curriculum standards and engages students in foundational literary concepts.
Students in grades 5-8 watched Bright Star actors perform The Story of Anne Frank, celebrating the courage of Anne Frank and her family. This performance honors the strength of the human spirit during some of the most challenging times in history.
We'd like to thank Tennessee Arts Commission, Bright Star Theatre, and Mrs. Tullier for making today possible!

What.a.day! We welcomed November Western style... in the rain!
🤠Day 5 of Spirit Week
🎟️Carnival Day with PTO
☕️🍔Food & Coffee Trucks for adults
🎭Bright Star Theatre Performances
🧾Conclusion of PTO's Online Auction*
*Check your email for auction invoice, and make sure you process your payment. It will show you pick up time and location on the invoice.
Next week's school schedule and reminders will be posted after a little sleep! Have a great weekend, Minks!

Clock is ticking. Auction ends at 6:00 pm. Make your account and bid here:

Answers to commonly asked questions can be found here:
Additional punch cards may be purchased at carnival which is INSIDE today.

It's Carnival Day! Volunteers are busy preparing. Coffee truck is set up in front circle. EVERYONE is hoping for clear skies! Gellyball waiver (yes, it has a date typo from the company) must be completed by 10:00 for students to participate! It's gel orb blasters game at targets or other players. Lots of fun!
Complete it here: https://sportscarnival.com/clubs/ultimate-bunker-games/forms/sign_waiver?reservation=280830

Day 4 of Spirit Week... My Homies & Me! Duos, Trios, and groups. It's always a great day to be a Mink!

The Calhoun Community Trunk-or-Treat is always a hit! Thank you, everyone! It was a great night!
Rise-n-Grind Coffee Truck will be available to purchase in the morning and Fully Involved Bistro at lunch (adults only for both). Friday is carnival day!

PreK enjoyed a little Spooky Science and Snacks in our outdoor classroom today.

Day 3 of Spirit Week. Home is where you hang your hat! Hat Day!
There's No Place Like Home... or Calhoun! Go Minks!