Mr. Caldwell came on behalf of the Optimist Club to read to Pre-K on this rainy Wednesday! Breakfast and a book!

Stop by the YMCA for a meal if students are in Athens during Spring Break!

Congratulations to homerooms of Mrs. Weatherspoon and Mrs. Jones for earning ice cream parties for attendance! Students also won games from an attendance drawing! Thank you to VEC Customer Share and Mayfield Dairy for sponsoring our attendance program.

Good News Club will NOT meet this week.

Good luck to McMinn Middle West as they begin tournament play tomorrow at McMinn County High School.

Thank you for supporting Calhoun School!

Calhoun students enjoyed farm to school breakfast casserole this morning from FFA!

This week @ CES

A huge "THANK YOU" goes to our guest readers for a successful Read Across America celebration!

Middle School Football
Time to get ready for the 2024 season! Click the link or follow the QR code below to signup for the upcoming season.

Read Across America Week!

It’s another exciting day at CES. Dress for Fun Sock Friday.
Read Across America with guest readers beginning at 1 pm.
Fiesta Friday for grades 6 - 8 (games and tacos) from 5:30-8. $10 @ door. See flyer.

Progress is being made on our outdoor classroom!

Happy Leap Day!

Thursday is Thing 1 & 2 Day. Match a twin or wear your favorite Dr. Seuss attire. It's also Leap Day! 200 frogs have been hidden at CES. Find one and turn it in to your homeroom teacher for a prize!

Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday as we continue Read Across America Week. Students my wear mismatched, backward, and wacky attire. Please remember ONLINE Book Fair is open through February 29!

Congratulations to Mrs. Mary's first grade for earning board game time through our attendance initiative!

Mark your calendars!

Thank you, Gondolier of Athens, for supporting Calhoun School!

Tomorrow is "Top Hat Tuesday." Students may wear a school appropriate hat.