Let's turn Calhoun BLUE!
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Students in Ms. Wallace’s 8th grade class have been working in small groups using new dry erase tables to prepare for upcoming TCAP testing.
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Tomorrow is the last day to place preorders for yearbooks. Need a form? Print it from here. https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2197/ce/3854522/Yearbook.pdf The 1st round of registration forms for Summer Camp 2024 have been sent home with students grades K-3 chosen as priority according to state regulations. Please complete forms and return ASAP.
12 months ago, Calhoun School
McMinn Middle West Cheer
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Week of March 25
12 months ago, Calhoun School
this week
2024 Polar Plunge
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Calhoun’s Yearbook Staff was excited to review our official yearbook proof this week. The HARDBACK yearbook will go to press for printing next week, and we are excited about all the presale orders we’ve received so far. Less than 50 remain for order, and the presale period ends Thursday, March 28. Hurry and get yours for only $20.00 while supplies last.
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Great opportunity for those interested
12 months ago, Calhoun School
prom shop
Meet the coaches
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Thursday is World Down Syndrome Awareness Day. Students are encouraged to rock their favorite socks! Friday will be the next day for Hershey's kiss sales for Relay for Life. $1 for 10 pieces. Email cgarrison@mcminnschools.com if you'd like to sponsor an entire class. Spring picture orders should be sent home soon. These will be due back on April 12th.
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Attention current 8th graders wishing to play football at McMinn County High School next year! This post is for you!
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Rock your socks, Minks!
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Attention current 8th graders! Golden Girls Dance Team info
12 months ago, Calhoun School
Check out this event hosted by our Relay for Life team
about 1 year ago, Calhoun School
Thank you for supporting Calhoun School!
about 1 year ago, Calhoun School
It’s a rainy day but a great day to check out some new books at the little libraries. Be sure to visit one of the little libraries this week to pick out some books to take home to read over Spring Break!
about 1 year ago, Calhoun School
little lib
We hope everyone has a safe and restful break!
about 1 year ago, Calhoun School
Good luck, ladies!
about 1 year ago, Calhoun School
Hershey's kisses will be sold tomorrow by Relay for Life. 10 for $1. If you'd like to sponsor an entire class, please email cgarrison@mcminnschools.com
about 1 year ago, Calhoun School
Good luck to our McMinn Middle volleyball team on Friday!
about 1 year ago, Calhoun School