Calhoun Relay for Life is ready for a ParTEA tomorrow. Thank you to those purchasing tickets and supporting this cause!

Bus 66 may be running a few minutes late this morning.

Yearbooks are here!

❤️We play sight word games like “Teacher May I,” “Boom,” or hopscotch.
💙We practice reading, so we can grow our brains!
💚We have extra fun with our friends.

Calhoun School is in need of proctors for the TCAP tests on April 15 - 17. This may not be parents of any third grade students and will not require you to be present the entire day. Your license will have to be scanned through the RAPTOR system, and a short training will be required. If available and willing to help, please contact Mrs. Shelly Tullier stullier@mcminnschools.com or call the school office 423-336-2974

Parent Meeting for 2025 Inauguration Trip
Wednesday, April 10th at 7:30 am
Park in the gravel lot; enter through door #3.
Meeting in the Flex Lab classroom

Today is registration day for next school year's PreK and Kindergarten. We look forward to meeting our next group of Minks! Please park in back lot closest to gym and enter through library doors. Spread the word to neighbors and friends with littles!

This week @ CES

RiverTown's 2024 Run to the River benefits CES's trip to Key Largo. Registration in order to receive tshirt is due by April 11. However, regular regisration will continue to be accepted until start time.

Check out this new trip!

Happy School Librarian Day to Mrs. Monroe!

Thank you to Calhoun's ParaPros for ALL the things that you do!

Calhoun 4-Hers! May the Dairy be with You!

Calhoun School will place all Lost & Found items in the gym on Monday, April 8th (Remote Learning Day) where families may come claim belongings from 8 am - 1 pm. Please enter through front office doors.

To sign up your student for 2024-2025 McMinn Middle School Football, please scan QR code or click

McMinn Middle School Wrestling recently held their awards ceremony for this year's season. Congratulations to our Mink, Madox Haupert, for being awarded the Coach's Award!

Happy Assistant Principals' Week to our very own Mrs. Ashlee Swanson. Serving the role of AP at three different schools is quite the feat, but she does it well! Thank you for all you do, Mrs. Swanson! You're one "suriously derdicated erducator!"

Please remember cheer camp forms are due by Friday in order for your camper to receive a tshirt. Mrs. Burnsed is excited to come out of retirement to lead this year's camp! Go Minks!
Find the form here:

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Classes resume tomorrow. Tuesday we’ll wear blue in honor of World Autism Day

STEAM Friday in 3rd Grade! Peep Nests! Great job, Minks!