Monday is last day for Book Fair and first day of Read Across America. Students may wear school appropriate pj's.

Attention 6th - 8th Grade Families!

Calhoun 8th graders participated in job shadowing today. Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who make this event possible each year!

Monday is the final day of Book Fair. Family shopping time will be held TODAY from 3 - 4 pm.
Calhoun's Celebration of Read Across America will be Friday, March 1st. We'll have dress up days all week! Guest readers are needed. Please visit this link to sign up or email Mrs. Monroe.

Thank you, bus drivers, for what you do every single day! Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day!

Thank you to McCay Southern for supporting Calhoun School!

McMinn Middle Golf

Calhoun 6th graders did a demonstration in Science to prove that water with higher salinity is denser than freshwater. The colors represent different salt content.

Busy 4 days @ CES!

Attention 8th graders!

Happy SRO Appreciation Day to our very own Officer Hyde! Thank you for all that you do for Calhoun School!
Thank you to McMinn County Sheriff's Department for this continued partnership and dedication to keeping our students safe!

Congrats to 7th grade for being in the lead with perfect attendance! Go Minks!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks to a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission, Bright Star Theatre performed two shows at Calhoun Elementary for Black History Month.
Black History Hall of Fame (for grades K-4) took students on a journey through black history. Students met Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, a Tuskegee Airman, Rosa Parks, Dr. Maya Angelo, and Dr. Martin Luther King.
Great Women of Black History, performed for students in grades 5-8, showed students inspiring female figures such as the Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman, the Jazz Age with Ella Fitzgerald, and ground breakers like Michelle Obama, Dr. Maya Angelo, Sojourner Truth.

Calhoun School will celebrate Read Across America on March 1st. We need guest readers! Please click the link below or contact our librarian Mrs. Monroe if you'd like to volunteer!

4th Grade Tutoring

Thank you, Mechanical Systems, for supporting Calhoun School!

Calhoun PreK enjoyed showing off their tie-dye creations! Great job by our Minks!

Tuesday will be Parent-Teacher Conferences. No tutoring on this day.
Wednesday is Valentine's Day. Please remember no deliveries will be accepted for students.