Good News Club will NOT meet tomorrow due to illness. They plan to resume meeting February 1st.

Health screening information is being sent home today for select grade levels. Please note that you only return this if you do NOT want your child to participate and must do so by Friday, January 28th.

Due to staff-related absences from illness, McMinn County Schools will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 19. The absences include teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria employees, and others as well as a shortage of available substitutes. 11 and 12-month employees will report in as long as they are well and have no symptoms.

The 8th grade class has a field trip to McMinn County High School tomorrow. Several students have not returned permission forms and cannot attend without one. Please remember to send the form if you haven’t already. Contact homeroom teacher if you have additional questions.

County 4-H Baking Contest has been postponed until Wednesday, January 19th. Entries will be accepted from 7:15-4:00pm the day of.

We are saddened to learn of the passing of one of our bus drivers, Mr. Troy Womac. Troy proudly drove “his kids” on Bus 80. He will be greatly missed by us all. Students met with Mr. Franks and Mrs. Tullier, school guidance counselor, this afternoon. Please contact us if your child needs additional resources.

Substitute Custodian needed beginning February 1st. Position will last approximately 2 weeks. Hours are flexible. Up to 30 hours per week. Apply on McMinn Schools website and contact Jon Franks at jfranks@mcminnschools.com or 336-2974

Due to high volume of sickness, tonight’s games at Englewood are canceled.

Basketball game @ Englewood Thursday 6 pm.
County tournament begins Saturday at McMinn Central.
Girls 9:00 am
Boys 2:00 pm
If girls win, they play again at 1 pm Saturday.
If boys win, they play again 8 pm Tuesday.

Please remember Good News Club resumes next Tuesday, January 18th. For more information or to register your kindergarten - 5th grader, please visit https://cefchattanooga.breezechms.com/form/df533f9113. Good News Club is sponsored by Calhoun First Baptist Church.

•Last home basketball game of the year tonight 6 pm vs Rogers Creek
•Grade cards going home today
•Conferences Thursday 3:30-6:30 pm

As we are all watching the upcoming weather, please note that school closures and early dismissals are sent out through the county. The best way to stay up to date is to make sure you are receiving texts and to follow the McMinn Schools and Calhoun Facebook pages where posts will immediately be made public.

Good News Club for K-5th graders will resume meetingTuesdays after school on January 18th until 4:30. Please remember new students must be registered to attend. You may do so at https://cefchattanooga.breezechms.com/form/df533f9113.

23rd Annual 8th Grade Handbell Performance going live at 9:45 am on CES Facebook.

Tomorrow is Christmas Pajama Day at CES!
Friday is 10:30 dismissal.

Basketball game vs Riceville tonight 6 pm. Come cheer on our Minks!
Christmas Pajama Day Thursday! Early dismissal Friday 10:30.

Heart lollies for sale for $1 each during recess. Proceeds go to charity project sponsored by CES Cheerleaders.

Calhoun grades Kindergarten through 4th got to enjoy a performance by Bright Star Theater on Friday in the Calhoun Library. The performance was titled "Stone Soup and Other Heartwarming Tales" and was about giving and sharing with others. CES would like to thank Tennessee Arts Commission for providing the grant funding making this performance possible.

•Basketball @ Etowah City tonight 6 pm
•Picture orders due by December 15th.
•8th grade baby pictures due to Miss Butler by 17th
•Friday is Ugly Christmas Sweater/Shirt Day
•4-H Speech Contest Friday
•Gravel parking lot dismissal: to help with traffic flow, please try to back in parking spaces.

Congratulations to this year's spelling bee participants and winners. Students participating in the school-wide competition won their classroom/grade level contests before advancing. Pictured are the school winners representing CES in the county contest:
1st Place: Kevin Jaramillo
2nd Place: Haley Garringer
Alternate: Abby Ross