"Donut Forget I Love You" Family Style Dance
Saturday, March 5th
6-8 pm at Calhoun School
$5 per person. Additional $10 for digital picture.
All proceeds benefit Relay for Life
Pay at the door. Open to the public.
For more information, please email cgarrison@mcminnschools.com

Great resources! Check these out!

CES needs guest readers for this year’s Read Across America Celebration. You may volunteer virtually by recording at your convenience OR by coming to school on the afternoon of the 25th to read to classes. Please contact Mrs. Monroe by Friday if you would be able to help!

Read Across America is quickly approaching!

Congratulations to Calhoun’s Heart of our Program winners, Leslie Womac and Debbie Maddox.

Calhoun students in grades 5-8 watched a live performance titled “Black History Heroes, Soldiers, & Spies” by Bright Star Touring Theatre.
Students learned how African Americans helped tame the Wild West, put an end to slavery, and help make our nation a better place. A special "thank you" to Tennessee Arts Commission for providing fudning to make this visit to CES possible!

Candy Grams are due tomorrow. You may print from calhounminks.com or contact the school to have extra copies sent home. All proceeds go to Relay for Life.

Thank you, Mrs. Tullier, for all that you do!

Refillable drinking bottles are now available in the Calhoun Cafe for $3. They are filled with purified drinking water when purchased then may be used to refill within the school.

8th Grade Parents,
Your child will bring home a letter today with high school registration information. Please sign and return. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Tullier stullier@mcminnschools.com

McMinn Middle West Track & Field Meeting
Tuesday, February 15th
4 pm
Pavilion at Athens Regional Park
Please bring copy of current sports physical.
For more information, please contact Coach Pam Nile at pamnile@mcminnschools.com

When you see students and teachers in hats and pajamas, praise them for showing that attendance matters! These are just a few of the awards classes may earn by simply being present at school! Ask your child what word they’re currently working on!

Substitute Custodian needed beginning February 15th. Position will last approximately 2 weeks. Hours are flexible. Up to 30 hours per week. Apply on McMinn Schools website and contact Jon Franks at jfranks@mcminnschools.com or 336-2974

The railroad underpass on Bowater Rd in City of Calhoun is currently not passable. The closest way to get to CES is to take Hwy 11 to County Road 732, take a right on 733, then a right on Bowater Road to bring you back into Calhoun

The railroad underpass on Bowater Rd in City of Calhoun is currently not passable. The closest way to get to CES is to take Hwy 11 to County Road 732, take a right on 733, then a right on Bowater Road to bring you back into Calhoun. We will send an update if we learn of the road opening.

•Please note that Valentine’s Day deliveries for students will not be accepted at CES.
•Dental Sealant forms are due by February 10th
•Good News Club meets tomorrow & pick up will now be at front circle at flag pole.

Just a reminder:
Monday is our celebration of the 100th day of school. Students may dress in 100th day attire or like they’re 100 years old.

Remaining Bus 82 students are on their way home. We apologize for late notice due to lack of cell phone service.

Substitute Custodian needed beginning February 1st. Position will last approximately 2 weeks. Hours are flexible. Up to 30 hours per week. Apply on McMinn Schools website and contact Jon Franks at jfranks@mcminnschools.com or 336-2974

We’ve been to school 100-ish days! Let’s celebrate! Monday, January 31st wear your favorite attire celebrating being 100 days smarter OR come dressed as if you’re 100 years old!