- All CES students are invited to wear green Wednesday for 4-H Spirit Day.
- 4-H Wednesday for grades 4-8
- Auction basket items due Friday
- 3rd grade field trip Friday
- No school Oct 10-17

Thanks to a grant from the Tennessee Art's Commission, Calhoun students in grades 6-8 watched a live performance titled “The Stories And Poems of Edgar Allan Poe” by Bright Star Touring Theatre.
Students learned about Poe's childhood and watched as his literature came to life through expert storytelling. Stories included "The Bell's", "The Cask of Amontillado", "Annabel Lee" and "The Raven" where Mrs. Melissa Trotter was cast as the raven.

Several 4th and 5th grade IE groups learned about the Boston Tea Party last week and finished with a STEAM challenge making a crate to float a tea bag. A Boston Harbor was made today and crates were thrown overboard. Mrs. Garrison’s tea stayed dry the longest! Congratulations to these students in their victory!

Homerooms are in need of items for PTO auction baskets before Fall Break. Below is a list of homerooms and themes.
In addition, if you as an individual or a business would like to donate something for the auction, we would be very appreciative.

Please note these dates


Congratulations to the Calhoun Cafe for earning a perfect score on today’s health inspection!

For the last day of college and career week, we wore our favorite college, tech school, or armed forces attire.

Career Day

“We have big dreams”

•Moon Pie pick ups are over for today. You may pick up your Moon Pies through the front office tomorrow or Friday from 8:30-2:30 or Saturday morning from 8-10 at gym door 11.
•Flu shot forms are due back Friday for those wishing to register
•Good News Club pick up is 4:30 from 3 (door at gravel lot). Please remain in vehicle

Tuesday updates:
-online book fair closes at midnight. Shop here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/calhounmink
-Good News Club begins tomorrow.
Grades 6-8 may register here:
Grades K-5 may register here:
All students must be picked up promptly at 4:30 from the end doors closest to gravel parking lot. Please remain in vehicle.
-Moon Pies may be picked up from Door 11 (side gym door) 8:30-2:30 tomorrow
-Career & College Week continues

“Our future is bright!”

Middle School Volleyball

Bus #82 is running late this morning. This bus had mechanical issues. A sub bus is on the way.

“Our future starts now.”
Day 1 of College and Career Week is complete. Students dressed in their CES shirts showing that working hard NOW matters.

Moon Pies have arrived. Please plan to pick up orders 8:30 - 2:30 on Wednesday from Door 11 (side gym door)

It’s College and Career Week at CES! Dress up days:
Monday- “Your future starts now” Wear your favorite Calhoun shirt.
Tuesdays- “Your future is bright” Wear sunglasses and bright colors.
Wednesday- “I have BIG dreams!” Students may dress up in their pajamas.
Thursday- “Career Day” Dress up as your favorite career or dress as want you want to be when you grow up.
Friday- “College Day” Wear a college or technical school shirt or armed forces attire.

From Mrs. Monroe:
Thank you to all who rounded up or donated change at book fair. See what change can buy!
This year’s book fair was a great success and will provide funding for our library because of our wonderful Mink families!

Calhoun School is extremely proud of our student athletes! We have 4 young ladies on the McMinn Middle School Softball team. Their last game is Thursday at Bicentennial Park where they play McMinn Central at 6:30. Join us in showing your support for our Minks/Lady Kees