Due to increased illnesses, several teachers are running low on tissues. Donations would be very much appreciated.

The CES Annual Food Drive benefitting the Calhoun Community Food Pantry kicked off today. 5th grade is in the lead!

•Join us tonight 6 pm at Calhoun when our teams take on Niota. Go Minks!
•No school tomorrow
•Please invite veterans you know to drive through CES circle drive Friday so we may thank them.
•Our annual food drive began today. 5th grade is currently in the lead.
•Midterms go home Friday

Mathletes vs Athletes Day

Congratulations to Daisy Bovard and Jayden Harper for representing CES as 2022 Youth Leaders!

•Fall Retake and sport pictures tomorrow
•Home basketball game vs Niota Monday
•Food Drive begins Monday
•No School Tuesday
•Basketball AT Englewood Thursday
•4-H Poster Contest Thursday
•Veterans Day Parade 11/11 at 9:30 am. Please invite veterans to drive through
•Midterms go home 11/11

Throwback Thursday, 80’s style.

It has been an exciting fall in PreK. Students had their own pumpkin patch at CES where they found their own pumpkin. This week while studying community helpers, Calhoun PreK got to hear about how milk gets from a cow to their milk cartons and even found a calf outside!

Young Authors Conference is this Saturday 8-noon at Central. Registration and busing are FREE. Must be registered by TOMORROW to ride the bus. Please see school website or contact Mrs. Monroe for more info.
Registration form may be found in newseltter or printed here https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2197/ce/2546217/Young_Authors_Conf_Registartion_Form.pdf

It’s Waikiki Wednesday at CES!

Good News Club is cancelled today. Please make arrangements to pick up children at school dismissal time.

Calhoun Kids are out of this world!

Arrrrrr matey… it was Monday all day long!

It’s a Pirate’s Life for Minks this Monday! Happy Spirit Week from CES!

We apologize for late notice, but there will be no after school tutoring today. Bus riders will load regular route at 3:40. Parents of car riders, please make arrangements to pick your child up at regular dismissal time and location.

Spirit Week begins Monday. Go Minks!

It’s Young Authors’ Conference time! Students may catch a bus at CES to attend this FREE event. Must be registered and let Mrs. Monroe know by Wednesday.

Thank you, Calhoun, for your incredible support of PTO’s fall auction! If you won an item, you received an email and/or a text with your invoice, and your card was charged.
Pick up is this morning Saturday, October 29th from 9 am-11 am at the school.
Please drive to the door closest to the gravel parking lot on the circle drive, and someone will bring your order to the car. If you are unable to make it tomorrow, please contact PTO to make alternative arrangements

Concessions (pizza, chips, desserts, and drinks) will be sold for additional price.

Frankenstein’s monster, Mr. Franks (pictured here), is excited to greet tonight’s guests at CES Relay for Life Costume Ball. Please remember to circle the building for drop off/pick up and remain in vehicle.