Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Today is the last day for registered tutoring students until after break. Program will resume Monday, January 9th

Tomorrow is Ugly Christmas Sweater/Shirt Day at CES. Please turn in ornament contest entries with name, grade, and homeroom to homeroom teacher. Grinchgram orders will still be accepted. Friday’s dismissal is 10:30

Tomorrow is Ugly Christmas Sweater/Shirt Day at CES. Please turn in ornament contest entries with name, grade, and homeroom to homeroom teacher. Grinchgram orders will still be accepted. Friday’s dismissal is 10:30

Calhoun 8th Grade's Annual Bell Performance

Good luck to our teams as they travel to Niota for a noon game tomorrow. Coaches ask that players and cheerleaders come to school dressed in uniform.
Final orders for grinchgrams and ornament kits accepted.

Calhoun Cafe has a great meal in store for Tuesday!

We still have ornament kits and Grinch grams in stock. Please your order Monday!
Monday: Noon basketball AT Niota
Tuesday: Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Wednesday: Grinch Day
Thursday: Noon home ballgame. Concessions sold
Friday: 10:30 dismissal

All Aboard the Polar Express!

It has been a busy day at CES! Thank you to McMinn High’s Life Skills Class for the performance for our PreK - 3rd grades!
Also thank you to Pam’s Bundt Cakes and Philly on Wheels for filling our bellies today!

•Home basketball game tonight 6 pm
•Polar express day tomorrow. Wear pjs. Hot chocolate & cookies $1 each
•Grinch grams & ornament kit orders due tomorrow. Need another copy? See newsletter on calhounminks.com or email Cgarrison@mcminnschools.com

Come support our Lady Minks and Minks this Thursday, December 8th!

Picture orders are due by Wednesday, December 7th.

Both order forms can be found in your December newsletter. These are due by Friday.

Basketball this week December 5 & 8

Friday, December 9th

Thank you for a great Breakfast with Santa!

🐝 Congratulations to our 2022 Spelling Bee Winners: Samantha Nielsen, Maddie Schenck, and Joshua Melton. We’re so proud! 🐝

Friday, December 2nd

Bus 82 will be on normal schedule Thursday. 🚌