Please see attached info about wrestling

Good News Club resumes on Tuesdays for K-5th grades. Pick up is 4:30 at end doors closest to gravel lot. Students must be signed up on Mondays before staying on Tuesdays. Here is the link to register:

Basketball & cheer practice are canceled for today due to no water in the building. Please communicate with front office how your child needs to get home if different from normal routine.

8th Grade Spaghetti Dinner
November 7th
$8 per meal
11 am - 1 pm
Drive thru only @ CES
Purchase ticket from any 8th grader

PTO Silent Auction will be online after fall break. Basket items are due by this Friday. This is PTO’s biggest fundraiser of the year. 100% of PTO funding is spent on Calhoun School. Your support is appreciated!

Tomorrow is 4-H Spirit Day. Don’t forget to wear green.
Fall Break is next week.

CES will be celebrating 4-H Spirit Day on Wednesday. Get your green outfit ready!

Doors on both sides of school will be open at 6 pm to enter for Open House

Open House Thursday.
Dinner preorders available for pick up 5-7 pm. Place order by 6 pm TONIGHT. Link to order below.
Cheer Camp participants in gym for practice 5:15
Title I Mtg in cafe at 5:30. PTO mtg to follow. Cheer performance after mtgs.
Classrooms open 6-7 pm.

Phone lines are down again today. Lobby doors will be unlocked if picking up or dropping off students. For other matters, please email csmith@mcminnschools.com

Bus 80 has broken down. Another bus is on the way to pick up students.

We are experiencing issues with our phone systems. If you need to come pick up your child, the lobby doors will be unlocked. Please enter and hit call button to the office.

Fall individual and 8th grade cap & gown pictures Tuesday, September 28th

Cheer Camp Reminders:
-Students must be registered to attend.
-PreK students must be picked up from school at normal time and may return for camp at 3:20. Drop off at back gym doors.
-All campers must be picked up from back gym doors at 4:30

Cheer camp begins tomorrow for those who registered. Please remember if your child is in PreK, they must be picked up at regular time then may return for camp.

See you at the Pole will be held Friday at 7:50 for grades 4-8. Please report to class first.

Basketball Try-Outs
Sept 27 & 28
Current 6th - 8th graders
After school - 4:30
For more information, please contact Coach Tucker or Coach Cantrell

Tomorrow (Friday) is last day of Book Fair & deadline to register for Cheer Camp. See Calhounminks.com for more info AND how to shop & register from home!

Parents are allowed to shop book fair during school hours. Must check in at office. Students cannot miss regular class for shopping.

Cheer Camp Sept 22-24. Register online here: