Girls Soccer
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
Girls Soccer
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
Students interested in joining middle school band next year are asked to attend an instrument tryout event at MCHS Tuesday at 5:30. For more information, please see the letter sent home or contact
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
Relay for Life Saturday 2-9 pm Athens Market Park Pavilion Team Lap at 3:45 Come see CES at Tennessee Ave for a TN Tailgate. We’ll be selling spinach dip, black bean salsa, pasta salad, grape salad, cookies, lemonade, and punches on the punch board for awesome prizes!
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
May 16-20 at Calhoun School
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
2022-23 Calhoun Cheer Tryouts May 25th 10:30 - 12:00 Please see flyer for complete details
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
These kiddos represented us well at Academic Olympics today. We’re proud of their hard work and look forward to awards Monday night.
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
AO 3
AO 4
AO 1
AO 2
Due to an incident in Charleston, CES has been placed on lockdown. Please know that no children are in immediate danger. Our SRO and extra personnel are present as a precautionary measure only. Extra supervision will be provided at dismissal times.
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
2022-2023 Calhoun Basketball Tryouts May 23-24 After school-4:30 pm
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
Top AR point earners from each grade got the privilege of throwing a pie in Officer Tabitha’s face today! It was a successful AR Reward Day full of games, recess, snacks, and laser tag! Your support of Book Fairs helps fund this day! Give your kids a pat on the back! They earned this fun!
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
officer Tabitha
Happy School Nurse Appreciation Day to our very own Nurse Emily! We're proud to call you ours!
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
Cross Country for 22-23 School Year
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
Yesterday was the last Good News Club meeting for this school year. Thanks for a great year, Minks!
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
AR Reward Day is tomorrow for those who qualified. Mrs. Monroe asks that students do the following: 1. Bring a labeled water bottle 2. Bring a blanket or towel to sit on 3. Wear class shirt
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
McMinn County High School Fishing Team will be having a meeting for all upcoming 9th Graders and current MCHS Students on Wednesday, May 11th at 5:00pm in the MCHS Cafeteria. All students interested in joining the fishing team should attend this meeting with a parent or a guardian.
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
Splattered Frog Shaved Ice Tuesday, May 9th $3 and $4 size options plus $1 popping pearls •watermelon •cherry •tigers blood •grape •pina colada •strawberry •blue raspberry A percentage comes back to CES!
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
splattered frog
Another busy week in May. Please see the calendar for all events. Concessions available tomorrow. All items $1 & $2. Drinks, candy, chips.
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
May 9
Middle school tennis
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
middle school tennis
It's School Lunch Hero Day! We love our school lunch crews! Thank you for all you do!
almost 3 years ago, McMinn County Schools
School Lunch Hero Day
4-8 field day will be postponed until Monday due to tomorrow’s weather forecast.
almost 3 years ago, Calhoun School
field day