Girls Soccer

Girls Soccer

Students interested in joining middle school band next year are asked to attend an instrument tryout event at MCHS Tuesday at 5:30. For more information, please see the letter sent home or contact jmchenry@mcminnschools.com

Relay for Life
2-9 pm
Athens Market Park Pavilion
Team Lap at 3:45
Come see CES at Tennessee Ave for a TN Tailgate. We’ll be selling spinach dip, black bean salsa, pasta salad, grape salad, cookies, lemonade, and punches on the punch board for awesome prizes!

May 16-20 at Calhoun School

2022-23 Calhoun Cheer Tryouts
May 25th
10:30 - 12:00
Please see flyer for complete details

These kiddos represented us well at Academic Olympics today. We’re proud of their hard work and look forward to awards Monday night.

Due to an incident in Charleston, CES has been placed on lockdown. Please know that no children are in immediate danger. Our SRO and extra personnel are present as a precautionary measure only. Extra supervision will be provided at dismissal times.

2022-2023 Calhoun Basketball Tryouts
May 23-24
After school-4:30 pm

Top AR point earners from each grade got the privilege of throwing a pie in Officer Tabitha’s face today! It was a successful AR Reward Day full of games, recess, snacks, and laser tag! Your support of Book Fairs helps fund this day! Give your kids a pat on the back! They earned this fun!

Happy School Nurse Appreciation Day to our very own Nurse Emily! We're proud to call you ours!

Cross Country for 22-23 School Year

Yesterday was the last Good News Club meeting for this school year. Thanks for a great year, Minks!

AR Reward Day is tomorrow for those who qualified.
Mrs. Monroe asks that students do the following:
1. Bring a labeled water bottle
2. Bring a blanket or towel to sit on
3. Wear class shirt

McMinn County High School Fishing Team will be having a meeting for all upcoming 9th Graders and current MCHS Students on Wednesday, May 11th at 5:00pm in the MCHS Cafeteria. All students interested in joining the fishing team should attend this meeting with a parent or a guardian.

Splattered Frog Shaved Ice
Tuesday, May 9th
$3 and $4 size options
plus $1 popping pearls
•tigers blood
•pina colada
•blue raspberry
A percentage comes back to CES!

Another busy week in May. Please see the calendar for all events.
Concessions available tomorrow. All items $1 & $2. Drinks, candy, chips.

Middle school tennis

It's School Lunch Hero Day! We love our school lunch crews! Thank you for all you do!

4-8 field day will be postponed until Monday due to tomorrow’s weather forecast.