FCA tomorrow

Bus 66 will be running a few minutes late today.

This week at CES!

Orders due by March 23rd. Proceeds go to Calhoun’s Relay for Life Team. Special thank you to Pam’s Bundt Cakes for this opportunity! If you have questions, contact Cayci Garrison cgarrison@mcminnschools.com

Minks, let’s rock our socks!

Join us April 3rd for Registration!

Going into Spring Break with awesome attendance! Congratulations to advancing teams!

Tomorrow we celebrate “Fox in Socks” with silly socks day. Hershey’s kisses sold 10 for $1. Read Across America will be after lunch. Thank you to all our guest readers!

Online Book Fair ends tonight at midnight. Shop online to benefit Calhoun School Library!

Congratulations to last week's advancing teams in our Attendance March Madness!

Students may wear a hat tomorrow in honor of “Cat in the Hat” Day. No school March 13-20. Lots of forms in newsletter plus tshirt sales going on. Don’t miss them!

Some of the best lessons come from the SRO during bus duty! Thank you, Officer Josh!

Want to sponsor a class to receive Hershey’s kisses? Donate directly to Relay here and let us know which class to surprise!

Tomorrow is Dress Up day celebrating “It’s a Great Day for Up!” It’s also a great day for spring pictures. Wear a smile but not the color green.
Hershey’s kisses will be sold tomorrow and Friday $1 for 10 in homeroom proceeds go to Relay for Life.

We are currently collecting orders for 3 CES shirts plus Relay for Life shirt. Please visit this website if you need to download forms.

Book Fair is open until 4 pm today and ends at 11 am tomorrow. Tomorrow is also Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? Day. Celebrate reading by dressing in western wear or cow print.

Go McMinn Middle!

We had lots of surprises in store for STREAM Family Night. Some we can’t wait to unveil, like this tshirt that was going to be an event exclusive! School-wide order form coming home soon because we can’t keep this secret until April 6!

We look forward to lots of excitement at CES next week!

Picture Day is Wednesday