This Week @ CES

Calhoun 4th grades attended McMinn County Farm City Day today where they rotated through educational stations learning about agriculture. Huge thank you to all the individuals, organizations, and businesses making this day possible!

These four graduates stopped by Calhoun yesterday for a visit to their old stomping grounds. We’d like to say CONGRATULATIONS to these Minks walking across the stage tonight! We’re so proud of you!
Graduates from other schools are welcome to contact Mr. Franks to set up a time to visit.

Please encourage students to get a farm fresh sausage biscuit from Calhoun Cafeteria Thursday morning provided by McMinn Central FFA!

Thank you, Nurse Emily, for all you do for our school!

It was Bubbles & Popsicles Day in PreK!

Bus 80 is running late this morning.

May 8 - 12 at CES

AR Reward Day 2023

PreK Drive-In 2023

Join us for Relay for Life Saturday at Athens Market Pavilion

Girls Middle School Soccer
Fall 2023

Happy Cinco De Mayo from Miss Kaitlynn’s 2nd grade!

Friday: School Lunch Hero Day (students may wear superhero tshirt), PreK Drive-In Movie, AR Reward Day
Saturday: McMinn Co Relay for Life 2 - 10 pm Athens Market Park Pavilion. Team lap at 2:30

First grade had a wonderful day at 3 Generations Art Studio in Sweetwater and Dairy Barn!

Middle School Tennis

Calhoun 5th grade had a jam packed day of education fun!
•Big Kids Do Science at McMinn County High School
•Jackie Robinson movie at Athens Movie Palace
•Tour & art project at Living Heritage Museum

This week @ CES:

Friday, May 5th is School Lunch Hero Day celebrating the school nutrition teams across the US who provide students with full bellies daily! Calhoun students are invited to wear their favorite superhero shirt (no costumes) in recognition of our Calhoun Cafeteria Superhero Team! Be sure to tell them THANK YOU for their hard work!

Summer 2024