Camp Calhoun students enjoyed a visit from the Let’s Read 20 Bus today. Rain didn’t slow down our ability to select books for the summer!

Read20 Bus will be at CES Thursday 12-2 giving away free books! Kona Ice will also be there open for business. Campers will be allowed to visit both. Stop by!

Day 12 of Camp Calhoun began our USA studies. Several groups learned about what the US Constitution is, who and how it was made, and why we still use it to this day. We concluded with a patriotic craft and snack.

Day 11 of Camp Calhoun kicked off with a visit from Tennessee Aquarium. They presented programs about Food Chains, Food Webs, and Life Cycles.

Stop by Calhoun School Thursday, June 22 noon - 2 pm for FREE BOOKS from the Let’s Read20 Bus. Kona Ice will also be there open for business!

Day 10 of Camp Calhoun featured Chattanooga Zoo’s Food Web Feast Program. Students even got touch some visiting creatures!
Thank you to Matt from Chattanooga Zoo for educating our students in such an interesting way today! We’d also like to thank Mini Melts for being at Calhoun. Cold treats were certainly enjoyed by Camp Calhoun!

Day 9 of Camp Calhoun has been all about beaver lodges, animal habitats, and life cycles!

Mini Melts will be at CES tomorrow noon - 2 pm open to the public. Servings are all $4. Campers may purchase.

Camp Calhoun’s Ecology Study began today. We have been observing caterpillars transforming to butterflies and released 5 today in the pollinator garden. Groups are also learning about how plants begin as a seed. Sometimes these seeds provide beautiful things for us to enjoy, and sometimes a seed leads to the beginning of a food chain/web. Students enjoyed painting flowers today where we included seeds!

Day 7 of Camp Calhoun has concluded our fairy tales studies. Students have made connections between different versions of these stories, have been challenged to create and solve related problems, and have tasted blueberry cobbler from today’s wrap-up story!

Day 6 of Camp Calhoun
•We’re observing growth from previous years’ camps and last week!
•Kindergarten & 1st grade have been building bridges for the Three Billy Goats Gruff to cross.

Now Hiring

Day 5 of Camp Calhoun was a success! Our “big kids” are planning, measuring, and building their own cardboard boats. Watch out, RiverTown! Camp Calhoun’s Fleet is out to win!
We have also been closely watching caterpillars this week and were excited to see two emerge as butterflies today!

It’s a sweet day in Calhoun! Join our friends at the City of Calhoun for their summer reading kick off and ice cream in the park! 5-8 pm TODAY. Free books, ice cream, & water slides!

Camp Calhoun Day 4.

Phase 2 of the Calhoun dining room facelift to come later. In the meantime, our Camp Calhoun students are enjoying the new look!

Splattered Frog Shaved Ice will be at Calhoun School noon - 2 on Friday. Campers will be able to purchase, but the truck will also be open to the public! Make plans to stop by!

Summer Camp Day 3
Students are enjoying learning centers based off the fairy tales we’re studying this week.

Calhoun Dining Area is getting a facelift! Watch for more updates!

Camp Calhoun Day 2 included planting sugar snap peas. Yesterday students heard “The Princess and the Pea” and tried sugar snap peas. Today we began growing our own!