AR Reward Trip is going to rainy day plans at Calhoun school after the movies instead of going to the park.

Calhoun PreK enjoyed a Glow Party today! Glow Mini Minks Glow!

The sun finally made an appearance today so that 4th and 5th grades could enjoy some water fun!

Calhoun 4th graders enjoyed Farm City Day on Friday followed by picnic lunch then a history lesson at Hiwassee River Heritage Center. Thank you to all those making this day possible!

This week @ CES

Calhoun 4th grade had a blast bowling and eating at Cici’s on Thursday. Climbing trees at the park was a highlight of the trip!

Congratulations to these students for earning prizes for attendance today!

Current 5th - 7th Grade girls interested in playing basketball are invited to attend after school workouts May 6 - 17 weekdays 3:45 - 4:45. Students may stay with bus riders until 3:45 but must have prompt arrival of ride at 4:45. No adults other than coaches are permitted in the gym.

It was a beautiful morning for a beautiful sight!

Friday, May 3rd is School Lunch Hero Day. We encourage students to dress as their favorite superhero and be sure to tell our amazing ladies in the cafeteria they don't need capes because they're already superheroes! Mini Melts will also be here serving students after lunch. Cups are $4 each.

We're seeing lots of progress on our outdoor classroom!

Cheer camp info

Happy Principal's Day to our very own Mr. Jon Franks!

Attention 8th Graders!

Attention 8th Graders

National Day of Prayer

Way to go, Minks! You have set a school record for most number of students earning yearly Accelerated Reader goal. Over 150 students will be receiving an invite to the AR Reward Party/Trip (details coming soon)! We're so proud of our readers!

Spring Formal
Calhoun 6th - 8th Graders only
Saturday, May 4, 2024
6 - 8 pm
Calhoun School
$10 at the door
Drop off and pick up by circling the building like for morning drop off. Adults remain in vehicles.

Several students in grades 4-6 enjoyed a STREAM themed trip to Pigeon Forge today. In true Calhoun Mink fashion, compliments were given everywhere they went on behavior and manners. They could definitely been seen from a mile away, and we are so proud to call them OURS!

This week @ CES